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  • The e-RA database, including the published datasets generated from it, is part of the Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments - National Bioscience Research Infrastructure (RLTE-NBRI) , which also includes the Long-Term Experiments, the Sample Archive and Rothamsted's environmental monitoring activities including the weather stations and its role in the UK Environmental Change Network.
  • The RLTE-NBRI is supported by the Lawes Agricultural Trust and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grants BBS/E/C/00005189 (2012-2017); BBS/E/C/000J0300 (2017-2022); BBS/E/RH/23NB0007 (2023-2028)).

Experimental Design

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There are currently no prepared datasets online for this experiment. However, there may still be data available but requiring curation. For more information please contact the e-RA curators.


Creative Commons License These media (images and videos) are available under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (4.0) with attribution to Rothamsted Research.


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The following derived variables are available when extracting meteorological data from the e-RA Data Extraction Tool, from ROTHMET, WOBMET and BROOMET.

All the measured variables required to calculate the derived variables are automatically extracted. Click on the 'Calculate Variables' button once the measured variables have been extracted, for your desired date range. You can also set a limiting base temperature TLIM, for calculating degree days above or below a base temperature. If this is not set, 0 degrees C is set as the default base temperature.

To get the full benefit of this calculated variables feature use either Google CHROME or FrontMotion Firefox.

  • DDA: Day Degrees Above a base temperature (TLIM) (°C)
  • DDB: Day Degrees Below a base TLIM (°C)
  • ACCDDA: Accumulated Day Degrees Above TLIM (°C)
  • ACCDDB: Accumulated Day Degrees Below TLIM (°C)
  • SMD: Potential Soil Moisture Deficit (mm)
  • PSMD: Accumulated Potential Soil Moisture Deficit (mm)
  • RELH: Relative humidity at 0900 GMT (% value of saturation value)
  • EVAPG: Evaporation over Grass (mm)
  • EVAPW: Evaporation over Water (mm)
  • VAP: Vapour pressure (mb)

Variables calculated if values are missing:

  • WINDRUN: Run of wind in 24h, 0900GMT to 0900GMT (km/24 hours)
  • DEWP: Dew point (°C)
  • RAD: Radiation (J/m2 or MJ/m2 or J/cm2)

Other definitions:

  • AVTEMP: Average temperature (°C)
  • TRANGE: Temperature range (°C)
  • TMIN: Daily minimum temperature (°C)
  • TMAX: Daily maximum temperature (°C)
  • TLIM: The (arbitrary) limiting or base temperature (set by user) (°C)
  • WETB: Wet bulb temperature (°C)
  • DRYB: Dry bulb temperature (°C)
  • WINDSP: Wind speed at 0900GMT (m/s)
  • RAIN: Rainfall in 24h, 0900GMT to 0900GMT (mm)
  • RDUR: Rainfall duration, 0900GMT to 0900GMT (h)
  • SUN: Hours of sunshine (h)

Calculation of Temperature derived Items:

TRANGE = TMAX - TMIN : Range (°C)

AVTEMP = (TMAX+TMIN)/2 : Average temperature (°C)

Calculation of DDA Day Degrees Above a base temperature (TLIM)


If TMAX <= TLIM then DDA = 0

If (TMAX - TLIM) >= (TLIM - TMIN) then DDA = (TMAX - TLIM)/2 - (TLIM - TMIN)/4

If none of the above then DDA = (TMAX - TLIM)/4

Calculation of DDB Day Degrees Below a base temperature (TLIM)

If TMIN >= TLIM then DDB = 0 in (°C)


If (TMAX - TLIM) >= (TLIM - TMIN) then DDB = (TLIM - TMIN)/4

If none of these then DDB = (TLIM - TMIN)/2 - (TMAX - TLIM)/4


Accumulated day degree data: this is a running total, and an arbitrary start date has to be provided.

Note: these calculations are provided from the standard found in the Energy Efficiency Office (1985).

Calculation of wind run (WINDRUN)

WINDRUN is usually measured so this is only to be used if the data is missing.

WINDRUN = WINDSP * 86.4 (this is conversion from m/s to km/24 hours).

Calculation of actual Vapour pressure (VAP), Dewpoint (DEWP) and saturated vapour pressure (SVAP)

At Rothamsted these are calculated within the datalogger after Buck (1981) and Allen et al (2006).

At Woburn these are have been calculated within the datalogger since the station was automated in 1999 as described by Campbell Scientific Technical Note 16 (2005), using formulae based on studies by Lowe (1977). Before automation, the assumption is that the equations of Buck (1981) werre used alongside those of the Met Office (1964) and Allen et al (2006), as shown below for Rothamsted.

Calculation of actual vapour pressure (VAP):

At Rothamsted this is after Buck (1981) and Allen et al, (2006):

If WETB > 0, VAP= 6.1375*EXP(17.502*WETB/(240.97+WETB))-0.799*(DRYB-WETB)

If WETB <= 0, VAP=6.1389*EXP(22.452*WETB/(272.55+WETB))-0.720*(DRYB-WETB)

At Woburn VAP has been calculated within the datalogger from Relative Humidity (RELH) and DRYB only since Dec 2009, based on Campbell Scientific Technical Note 16 (2005) and Lowe (1977):



SVAP = Saturated vapour pressure for the air temperature range of -50°C to +50°C

Calculation of dew point (DEWP)

At Rothamsted this is calculated after Buck (1981):

DEWP= 240.97*LOGn (VAP/6.1375)/(17.502-LOGn(VAP/6.1375))

At Woburn, DEWP has been calculated within the datalogger from DRYB and WETB and RELH after Lowe (1977).

Calculation of Relative Humidity, RELH

SVAP = Saturated vapour pressure

VAP = Actual vapour pressure (see above)

SVAP = 6.1375*EXP(17.502*DRYB/(240.97+DRYB)) (Buck, 1981)

RELH = 100 * (VAP/SVAP)

Definitions and intermediate calculations for RAD, EVAPG, EVAPW and PSMD

Cos, sin and tan have the usual trigonometric meanings

Sqrt the square root function

nday_val is the day number (Julian date) of the record in question e.g. 1st Feb. = 32

days_in_year ordinarily is 365, but 366 in a leap year

stn_latitude is the latitude of the station in question: Rothamsted = 51.81°N

Woburn = 52.017 °N Brooms Barn = 52.267 °N.

hrday is the maximum amount of sunshine in hours, that a latitude can receive. (i.e. cloudless all day)

sunfr is the sun fraction, the ratio of recorded hours of sun to the maximum possible

HMM is the evaporation term from net radiation over grass

EA_GRASS is the evaporation term from humidity differences over grass

EA_WATER is the evaporation term from humidity differences over water

angnd = (6.28318 *(nday_val - days_in_year + 193))/days_in_year

csd = cos(angnd)

snd = sin(angnd)

cs2d = (csd + snd)*(csd - snd)

sn2d = 2*csd*snd

sndecl = 0.00678 + (0.39762*csd)+(0.00613*snd)-(0.00661*cs2d)-(0.00159*sn2d)

csdecl = sqrt(1 - sndecl*sndecl)

csl = cos((stn_latitude*3.14159)/180)

snl = sin((stn_latitude*3.14159)/180)

cshass = (-0.014544 - (snl*sndecl))/(csl*csdecl)

snhass = sqrt(1 - cshass*cshass)

hass = atan(snhass/cshass) if hass < 0 then hass = hass + 3.14159

hrday = hass*24/3.14159

sunfr = SUN/ hrday

Evaporation Items

Exp is the exponential function (ex)

** is the exponentiation function (xn)

d0g is a correction factor for grass: 0.75

d1g is a correction factor for grass: 1

d0w is a correction factor for water: 0.95

d1w is a correction factor for water: 0.5

c1 is a constant: 4.0621 * 10-7

c2 is a constant: 3.721432778 x 107

The relative humidity (RELH) expresses the degree of saturation of the air as a ratio of the actual (VAP) to the saturation (Es) Vapour pressure at the same temperature (from Allen et al, 2006)

Es = 6.1078 * exp((17.269 * AVTEMP) / avt) (Es = saturated vapour pressure at Avtemp) Note that these values are not exactly the same as for SVAP.

avt = AVTEMP + 237.3

Es = 6.1078 * exp((17.269 * AVTEMP) / avt) (Es = saturated vapour pressure at Avtemp)

delta = (4097.93 * Es) / (avt * avt)

sunfr = SUN/ hrday

fnt2 = (0.0048985 * (AVTEMP + 273.0) ** 4) *(0.47- (0.065 * sqrt(VAP))) * (0.17 + 0.83 * sunfr)

ev1 = c1 * delta

Calculation of Radiation (RAD) (only to be used if data is missing)

inv = 1.00011 - (0.03258*csd)-(0.00755*snd)+(0.00064*cs2d)+(0.00034*sn2d)

RAD = (0.16+(0.62*(((SUN)/hrday))))*c2*inv*((csl*csdecl*snhass) + (snl*sndecl*hass))

NB: The calculated value for radiation should be divided by 1,000,000 to express MJ rather than joules of energy.

Calculation of Evaporation over grass (EVAPG)

EA_GRASS = 0.2625 * ((6.1078 * exp((17.269 * AVTEMP)/(237.3 + AVTEMP)) - (VAP)* (d1g + (WINDRUN* .0062137)))

if EA_GRASS < 0 then EA_GRASS = 0

hj_g = d0g * (1000000 * RAD) - fnt2

EVAPG = ( (hj_g * ev1) + (0.66 * EA_GRASS )) / (delta + 0.66)

HMM = (hj_g * ev1)/ 0.66

Calculation of Evaporation over water (EVAPW)

EA_WATER = 0.2625 * ((6.1078 * exp((17.269 * AVTEMP)/(237.3 + AVTEMP)) - (VAP)*(d1w + (WINDRUN * 0.0062137)))

if EA_WATER < 0 then EA_WATER = 0;

hj_w = d0w * (1000000 * RAD) - fnt2

EVAPW = ((hj_w * ev1) + (0.66 * EA_WATER )) / (delta +0.66)

The calculation of EA, HMM, EVAPG and EVAPW are described in detail in Berry (1964).

Calculation of Potential Soil Moisture Deficit (PSMD)

PSMD = PSMD + EVAPG - RAIN (Not negative)

Where PSMD is the accumulated SMD so far.

PSMD is an accumulated value, starting at the value for soil moisture deficit for start of range.

This measures the loss of moisture in the soil; and while the daily value may be significant it is usually calculated over some months at least. Technically it is an accumulation, and into the summer will usually show a net loss. The value can never be negative, as if precipitation exceeds evaporation together with any deficit to date, this forms runoff and contributes to surface water flow.

Prepared by Margaret Glendining and Claudia Underwood, June 2010, with advice from Tony Scott. Updated December 2016 by Tony Scott. Based on the BITS Metdata Web Manual, extracted Oct 2009, and the old e-RA webpages, 1997. For further details, contact the e-RA Curators.

Key References


  • Reda, I. and Andreas, A.(2008) "Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. ", ,


  • Allen, R.G. , Pereira, L.S. , Raes, D. and Smith, M.(2006) "FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, Crop Evapotranspiration,", Rome, Italy , , 33-40


  • Campbell_Scientific(2005) "Calculating Dew Point from RH and Air Temperature. ", ,
  • Campbell_Scientific(2005) "Calculating Sunshine Hours from Pyranometer/Solarimeter Data. ", ,


  • Energy_Efficiency_Office(1985) "Fuel Efficiency Booklet No 7, Degree days. Energy Efficiency Office, Dept of Energy,"





  • Berry, G.(1964) "Evaluation of Penman's natural evaporation formula by electronic computer", Australian Journal of Applied Science, 15, 61-64
  • Meteorological_Office(1964) "Hygrometric Tables (Part II, Second Edition), Stevenson Screen Readings, Degree Celsius (reprinted 1971). HMSO, London (Met.O. 265b), U.D.C. 5551.501. 42:551.571"

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Rothamsted: Rainfall has been measured at Rothamsted since 1853, in various rain gauges. Data is shown here for three, RAIN, RAIN5 and RAINL:

The variable RAIN was originally recorded in a 5 inch (12.7cm) rain gauge built in a garden near the laboratory in 1852. The water collected was measured in a graduated cylinder until about 1880. The gauge was then moved to the meteorological enclosure. In 1948, a 5 inch (12.7cm) copper rain gauge of Meteorological Office standard was installed within a 0.3 m high, 1.5 m radius turf wall retained by brick to reduce wind eddies. Since 2004, when the met station was automated, RAIN has been measured by an electronic tipping bucket rain gauge of 25.4cm diameter, calibrated to tip at 0.2mm, also within the turf wall. The old 5 inch manual copper rain gauge is still used to measure precipitation fallen as snow when the tipping bucket rain gauge is blocked with snow or ice.

The manufacturers of the ARG100 state that the "ARG100 rain gauge typically captures over 5% more rainfall than most traditionally-shaped cylindrical gauges due to its unique aerodynamic shape and reduced evaporation-loss properties". This has found to be the case at Rothamsed. A review of the differences in rainfall capture between the ARG100 and the manual 5 inch gauge at Rothamsted was conducted. Using a double mass curve analysis, annual data from 1990-2017, and looking at each added year from 2004 (when the ARG100 was introduced), the overall correction factor is 1.1 or 10%. This means that the ARG100 captures 10% more rainfall than the manual 5 inch gauge. This correction is only applicable to annual and monthly totals, and to the variable RAIN at Rothamsted (ie ROTHMET only). It is not applicable to RAINL or RAIN5. To convert 5 inch data to ARG100 data, multiply by 1.1. To convert ARG100 data to 5 inch, divide by 1.1. We recommend that when you download data that spans both gauges, you multiply the 5 inch data by 1.1. Please contact the e-RA curators for more information.

The variable RAIN5 was originally recorded in another 5 inch (12.7cm) cooper rain gauge, established in 1873. Data was not recorded in e-RA after 1987. RAIN and RAINL are two separate gauges, hence the values do not exactly agree.

Data is available for RAIN from 05/02/1853 - present, except between 1880-1914. It is recommended that for a complete run of data from a standard rain gauge that a composite of RAIN and RAIN5 is used, based on RAIN, with data from RAIN5 being used from 1880-1914 only. Please contact the e-RA Curators for this data.

The variable RAIN_L measures rain in a gauge of 1/1000th of an acre (4.047 sq metres), built in 1852/53. The gauge was constructed of timber with a lead funnel. Rain was collected daily in carboys and weighed to estimate the amount of rain. In 1873 a new gauge was installed and the carboys replaced by galvanized iron calibrated cylinders to measure rainfall. The old gauge was replaced by an identical new one in 1992. For details of the early history of the 1/1000th acre rain gauge, see Lawes, Gilbert & Warington, 1881 (J Royal Agric Soc 17: 241-279) or contact the e-RA Curators.

From 2004 onwards the calibrated cylinders were replaced by an electronic tipping bucket rain gauge (Campbell Scientific, ARG100) calibrated to tip with every 0.0025mm of rain. In July 2010 the lead lining was stolen and it was replaced by a new stainless steel funnel of grade 316 and dimensions 2213mm x 1829mm in February 2011. No RAIN_L data was collected for this period.

Since 2004, when the met station was automated, RAINL may have been underestimating rainfall when rain is intense. RAINL should only be used in conjunction with the drainage data, which has the same surface area (DR20, DR40, DR60). For general daily rainfall data please use RAIN. It is recommended that if you use RAINL, RAIN should be used as a check.

"Missing values" There are many instances before 2004 when no data is shown for RAIN and RAINL. This is because a 'trace' of rain, snow, mist, dew or fog was manually recorded. A 'trace' is less than 0.05mm. For most purposes a missing value can be assumed to be zero. However, if you would like further details of traces of rain recorded between 1853 and 2003, please contact the e-RA Curators.

Rain duration RDUR has been measured at Rothamsted since 1931. It is defined as the number of hours during which rain fell over the previous 24 hours, recorded at 0900 GMT each day. Originally it was measured by a Negretti and Zamra natural siphon rain recorder. Rain was collected in a float chamber and recorded on a daily chart on a clock drum, which recorded 10mm of rain before siphoning began and the recording restarted at the bottom of the chart. In 1978 this was replaced with a Cassella recorder with a diameter of 20.3cm. Since 2004 it has been measured by an electronic tipping bucket rain gauge.

Woburn: Rainfall (RAIN) was originally measured manually using a 5" (12.7cm) copper cylindrical rain gauge. Since 1999, when the met station was automated, rainfall has been measured by an electronic tipping bucket rain gauge of 25.4cm diameter, calibrated to tip at 0.2mm (Campbell Scientific, ARG100).

Brooms Barn: Rainfall (RAIN) was originally measured manually using a 5" (12.7cm) copper cylindrical rain gauge. Since 2004, when the met station was automated, rainfall has been measured by an electronic tipping bucket rain gauge of 25.4cm diameter, calibrated to tip at 0.2mm (Campbell Scientific, ARG100).

Percolation (drainage)

Measured at Rothamsted only: Three drain gauges (20, 40 and 60 inches) were constructed at Rothamsted in 1870. They consist of undisturbed blocks of soil 20, 40 and 60 inches (51,102 and 152 cm, respectively) deep and are equal in area to the rain gauge of 1/1000th of an acre.

The gauges were constructed by digging under and around the block of soil, placing perforated plates underneath at the required depth and bricking up the sides. The soil around the gauges remained undisturbed throughout the construction process. Drain water was originally measured by weighing the carboys of collected water (as for 1/1000th of an acre rainfall above), but these too were replaced by calibrated cylinders. In 2004 those were replaced by the electronic tipping bucket rain gauge. Percolation is the total over the previous 24 hours, recorded at 0900GMT. All three drain gauges remain as originally built. The soil has never been deep cultivated or cropped and the top is kept clear by hand weeding.


Daily temperature is measured over the 24 hour period 0900 to 0900GMT; this is used for the previous day's maximum (TMAX) and the current day's minimum temperature (TMIN). All other temperatures are recorded at 0900GMT. Until 1970 all temperatures were measured in ºF; since 1972 they have been recorded in ºC. All temperatures in e-RA are displayed as ºC.


Air temperatures: Maximum (TMAX) and minimum (TMIN) air temperatures were first recorded in 1878. TMAX was recorded using a mercury column thermometer and TMIN using a spirit-in-glass with indicator bar minimum thermometer. In 1915 dry (DRYB) and wet (WETB) bulb mercury column thermometers were introduced to record air temperatures and calculate variables such as relative humidity, vapour pressure and dew point. GRSMIN, the minimum temperature on grass, was first recorded in 1909 using a spirit-in-glass with indicator bar minimum thermometer.

On 15th January 2014 WETB was discontinued and replaced by a Relative Humidity Sensor (Campbell Scientific, MP100A) to measure relative humidity (RELH) and from which vapour pressure (VAP) and dew point (DEWP) are now calculated after the method of Buck (1981).

Soil temperatures are recorded at 0900GMT. They were first recorded in the 1930's using specially adapted thermometers. These were set at depths of 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 inches (10, 20, 30, 61, and 122 cm) under grass cover (G10T, G20T, G30T, E30T, E50T and E100T) and 4, 8 and 12 inches (10, 20 and 30 cm) under bare soil (S10T, S20T and S30T). G10T, G20T, G30T, S10T and S20T were in direct contact with the soil; G30T was discontinued in 1997. The thermometers used to measure E30T, E50T, E100T and S30T were encased in a glass sheath in a metal tube, so that they could easily be removed to read the temperature. The bulb was set in paraffin wax to minimize rapid temperature fluctuations when the thermometer was removed from the soil.

Since 2004, all temperatures (air and soil) have been recorded by thermistors (electronic temperature probes, Campbell Scientific, type 107). For measuring soil temperatures, these are buried in the soil at the appropriate depth.


Air temperatures: Maximum (TMAX) and minimum (TMIN) temperatures were first recorded in 1928 using mercury column thermometers. Dry (DRYB) and wet (WETB) bulb mercury column thermometers were used to record air temperatures and calculate variables such as relative humidity, vapour pressure and dew point.

On 1st December 2009 WETB was discontinued and replaced by a Relative Humidity Sensor (Campbell Scientific, MP100A) to measure relative humidity (RELH) and from which vapour pressure (VAP) and dew point (DEWP) are now calculated after the method of Lowe (1977).

Soil temperatures were first recorded in 1928 using specially adapted thermometers. These were set at depths of 1 and 4 feet (approx. 30 and 100 cm) under grass cover. 30 cm is shown as E30T, 1928-1970, 1988 onwards, G30T, 1971-1987; 100cm is shown as E100T, 1928-1967, 1971 onwards, E122T, 1968-1970. From 1968, soil temperatures were also measured at 2 feet (approx.50cm) under grass cover. This is shown as E50T, 1971 onwards, E60T, 1968-1970. Soil temperatures under bare soil were measured at 4 and 8 inches (10 and 20 cm, S10T and S20T).

Sunshine hours

Rothamsted: Sunshine readings (hours of bright sunshine, SUN) over a 24 hour period 00.00-24.00 hrs GMT were first recorded in 1892 using a Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder. The sun's rays are focused onto a card (treated to prevent it from catching fire) and the brown scorch mark on the card is then measured. The cards are of varying lengths applicable to the time of year (winter, equinox, and summer). Since 2004 sunshine has been calculated using the Campbell-Stokes equation from solar radiation measured using a Kipp and Zonen thermopile pyranometer.

The maximum temperature in the sun, SUNMAX, was recorded between 1915 and 1935 using a black bulb in vacuo.

Woburn: Since 1999 sunshine (hours of bright sunshine, SUN) has been calculated using the Campbell-Stokes equation from solar radiation measurements using a Kipp and Zonen thermopile pyranometer. Previously it was measured with a sunshine recorder.

Solar Radiation

Rothamsted: Total solar radiation (RAD) over 24-hour periods 00.00-24.00 hrs GMT. Measurements have been made since 1921, but the earliest recorded data in e-RA are from 1931. There were several gaps between 1921 and 1923, probably due to equipment malfunction, so these early data have little value. From 1921-1930, radiation was calculated in calories/cm2 but from January 1931, radiation was expressed in Joules/cm2, and these are the data that have been included in e-RA. Penman (1974, see key references below) stated that 'Apart from periods for instrument repairs, solar radiation has been recorded daily at Rothamsted since October 1921. The first instrument was a Callendar recorder, purchased by the Plant Physiology Department of Imperial College in 1916, and run at Rothamsted for the Department from 1921. In 1943 Professor Blackman asked Rothamsted to take over the instrument and be responsible for all future repairs and replacements. Right up to 1954 there was great uncertainty about the sensitivity, and as the original supplier had ceased to make them the replacement then sought had to be found elsewhere: Over the first 30 years the readings were probably accurate enough for the use that could be made of them at the time … (but are not good enough for present needs) … In 1955 a Moll-type solarimeter (Kipp) was installed with a paper chart recording potentiometer. As before, daily totals were obtained by planimeter integration - a tedious and awkward task - until in 1958 an automatic integrator was added with a digital counter set to register directly in cal/cm2 ' (Rothamsted Weather, Rothamsted Report for 1973, Part 2, 172 - 201).

Radiation figures between 1947 and 1954 were noted by Monteith to be 20% higher than would be expected (and the same probably applies to earlier data). Thus, data from before 1955 should be treated with some caution. A Kipp integrator and recorder was in use from 13th November 1975. A (new) Kipp and Zonen integrator was installed in 1989. In 2004 this was replaced by a Kipp and Zonen thermopile pyranometer.

Data from Rothamsted are recorded as J/cm2. To convert to MJ/m2 divide by 100. To convert MJ/m2 to W/m2 multiply by 11.6.

Woburn: At Woburn solar radiation (RAD) is measured using a pyranometer (Kipp and Zonen, CM6B), and are recorded as MJ/m2.


Rothamsted: Wind direction (WDIR) has been measured since 1853. Wind direction is shown in e-RA as an angle, going clockwise from North. 360 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West. The reading 0 (or 000) indicates that there is no wind, ie the windspeed is 0 m/s. A WDIR reading of 0 with a windspeed greater than 0 implies that the WDIR is 360 degrees (North).

Wind speed was originally estimated using the Beaufort scale. It is shown in e-RA as wind force (WFORCE) from 1915 to 1959. From 1960 onwards it is shown as wind speed (WINDSP) converted from knots to m/s (1 knot = 0.514 m/s).

The Beaufort scale can be adjusted to wind speed using the following equation:

V = 1.624 x SQRT (B3)

Where V = wind speed in knots, B = Beaufort scale (1 knot = 0.514 m/s) (Met Office 1982).

Wind direction (WDIR) and wind speed (WINDSP) were then measured by wind vane and a cup anemeometer linked to a Munro roll chart recorder (model IM175) installed in 1978. From 2004 an electronic wind vane (Vector Instruments, W200P) and cup anemometer (Vector Instruments, A100LK/2) were installed at a height of 12.8m above ground level. The standard height for surface wind measurements over open and level terrain is 10m. However, no correction is needed for wind speeds measured between 8 and 13m (Met Office, 1982). We therefore assume a mid-point height of 10m. From 2004 wind direction and speed are calculated as an average over 10 minutes from 8.50 to 9am

Measurements of wind run (WINDRUN) are available from 1946 onwards, first measured using a cup anemometer with a calibrated meter installed at a height of 2m. From 2004 to January 2014 wind run has been measured using an electronic cup anemometer (see above). The cup anemometer was at a height of 12.8m. This was then corrected to 2m by multiplying by 0.78:

Vh/V10 = 0.233+0.656*log10 (h+4.75), where Vh = speed in knots at height h, V10 = speed at 10m and h = height in m (Met Office 1982).

Since February 1st 2014 a second cup anemometer (Vector Instruments A100LK) installed at a height of 2m has been used to measure wind run, so no adjustment for height is now required.

Woburn: Wind speed was originally estimated using the Beaufort scale. It is shown in e-RA as wind force (WFORCE) from 1928 to 1967. From 1968 onwards it is shown as wind speed (WINDSP) converted from knots to m/s.

The Beaufort scale can be adjusted to wind speed using the following equation:

V = 1.624 x SQRT (B3)

Where V = wind speed in knots, B = Beaufort scale (1 knot = 0.514 m/s). (Met Office 1982).

From 01/07/1999 onwards wind speed has been measured using an automated cup anemometer at 2m height. This sensor was replaced in July 2008 with a new cup anemometer (Vector Instruments, A100LK). The values in e-RA have been adjusted to the standard height of 10m (Met Office, 1982).

Wind run (WINDRUN) was first measured using a cup anemometer installed at 2m with a calibrated meter. Since July 1999 it has been measured by a cup anemometer at 2m, the same instrument used for measuring wind speed (see above).

Wind Direction (WDIR) was estimated from a wind vane with fixed ordinal points. In 1999 this method was replaced by an electronic wind vane ( Vector Instruments, W200P).

Brooms Barn: Windspeed is measured at 2m and adjusted to the standard height of 10m by multiplying by 1.28. Between 24th May 2012 and 11th December 2012, windspeed was a 10 minute average, recorded between 8.50 and 9.00am. Since 2013 it has been a point value recorded at 9.00am.

The Brooms Barn meteorological station is approx. 30m from the main buildings, which are approx. 10m high. This may cause some interference with the measurement of wind speed and wind direction, as ideally a mast with wind sensors should be a minimum of 10 times the height of the nearest building away from the nearest building (ie at least 100m apart). This gives enough fetch for the wind to settle down. The met station and main building have always been in these positions.


Rothamsted: In 1924, a brick-lined pit 8ft (2.44m) and 20ft (6.1m), surrounded by 12 cylinders set in the soil was built at the Rothamsted meteorological enclosure. The cylinders were 6ft (1.83m) deep and 2ft 6in. (0.76m) in diameter and made of cast iron lined with a 1/2in. layer of bitumen painted concrete; the bottom of the cylinders sloped down to an outlet pipe accessible from the pit. Five of the cylinders were filled with a sandy loam from Woburn, the soil texture being uniform throughout. Three of the soil cylinders had turf laid on top of the soil; the other soil surfaces were kept bare. The soil was left to settle and weather for 16 years. Ten cylinders were joined up in pairs at the outlets, each soil cylinder being connected to an unfilled cylinder, so forming a set of U tubes. Waterproof covers were provided for the unfilled cylinders (minors) to prevent entry of rain and to reduce evaporation losses to negligible amounts. The minors were filled with water until the soil or turf surfaces were flooded, then water was run out until the water-table had reached a pre-determined depth below the surface. One of the minors was filled to near the brim and the level kept at 1 in. below the surface and this was selected as the open water standard. For further details refer to Penman (1948).

A standard meteorological Office evaporation tank was installed in 1945. The galvanized iron tank measured 2ft 6in (0.76m) in diameter and was 2ft (0.61m) deep. The water level was kept at or near ground level, leaving a projecting rim of 3in (7.62 cm). The level was read daily with a hook gauge reading to 1/100 in., and topped or drained as necessary.

Evaporation measurements ceased in 1974 and values were instead derived from wet and dry bulb temperatures (see Derived Variables).

Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity RELH was originally derived from wet and dry bulb temperatures. A Relative Humidity Sensor (MP100A, made by Rotronics, supplied by Campbell Scientific) replaced the wet bulb sensor at Woburn and Brooms Barn in 2009 and at Rothamsted in 2013. The MP100A was replaced by an EE181 E+E RH probe, which is made by E+E Elektronic Corporation, supplied by Campbell Scientific, at Brooms Barn on April 25th, Woburn on July 3rd and Harpenden on August 7th 2018.

Vapour pressure

Rothamsted: Vapour pressure (VAP) was calculated from 1946 to January 2014 from Wet Bulb (WETB) and Dry Bulb (DRYB) temperature (see Derived Variables). This is calculated in kPa and converted to mb in the e-RA output. mb=kPa x 10.

On 15th January 2014 WETB was discontinued and replaced by a Relative Humidity Sensor (Campbell Scientific, MP100A) to measure relative humidity (RELH) . From January 15th 2014 onwards Vapour Pressure has been calculated within the datalogger from Relative Humidity and Dry Bulb temperature after Buck (1981 - see Derived Variables).

Woburn: Vapour pressure (VAP) was calculated from July 1999 to November 2009 from Wet Bulb (WETB) and Dry Bulb (DRYB) temperature (see Derived Variables). This is calculated in kPa and converted to mb in the e-RA output. mb=kPa x 10.

There were problems with the Wet Bulb thermometer drying out, and data from the end of 2009 was unreliable. In December 2009 a Relative Humidity sensor was fitted (Campbell Scientific, MP100A) to the datalogger and the Wet Bulb thermometer discontinued. From December 2009 onwards Vapour Pressure has been calculated within the datalogger from Relative Humidity and Dry Bulb temperature after Lowe (1977 - see Derived Variables).

Barometric pressure

Rothamsted: Atmospheric pressure was measured with a mercury barometer from 1915 to 2003 (BAR). A thermometer attached to the instrument casing (known as the attached thermometer, THERM) was used to measure the temperature of the mercury column from which the density of the mercury was established. Pressure corrected to mean sea level (BAR_MSL) is also available from 1950 to 1977.

Woburn: A mercury barometer was used to measure atmospheric pressure from 1928 to 1970, and 1988-1999 (BAR). A thermometer attached to the instrument casing (known as the attached thermometer, THERM) was used to measure the temperature of the mercury column from which the density of the mercury was established. Pressure corrected to mean sea level (BAR_MSL) is also available from 1928 to 1967.

For further details of measurement of barometric pressure see Met Office (1982) page 103.

Other variables

Visual measurements of cloud cover, state of the ground's surface, visibility, current weather, etc were collected daily and entered into a diary. The codes used are based on Meteorological Office Standard weather codes. Visual measurements ceased to be made at Woburn in 1999 and at Rothamsted in May 2007. For full details for the various codes used, please contact the e-RA Curators

Cloud cover CLOUD is recorded in Oktas, on a scale of 0 to 9. 0 represents clear sky, 8 complete cloud cover with 9 representing fog.

Other variables were recorded onto Meteorological Office return sheets as extra columns. Evaporation, vapour pressure, dew point and potential soil moisture deficit are derived from wet and dry bulb temperatures (see Derived Variables).

Compiled by Claudia Underwood, Tony Scott and Margaret Glendining, Rothamsted, 2010, updated 2017. With thanks to Tony Scott for the Rothamsted Met Station images, and John Jenkyn for information about radiation measurements at Rothamsted.

Key References

  • Meteorological_Office (1982) "Observer's Handbook, 4th Edition, Met.0.933"
  • P.R.Lowe (1977) "An Approximating Polynomial for the Computation of Saturation Vapor Pressure", Journal of Applied Meteorology, 16, 100-103
  • Penman, H. L. (1974) "Rothamsted Weather", Rothamsted Experimental Station Annual Report for 1973, Part 2, 172-201
    Get Paper from eRAdoc
  • Penman, H. L. (1948) "Natural Evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A - Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 193, 120-145

Key References


  • Meteorological_Office(1982) "Observer's Handbook, 4th Edition, Met.0.933"




  • Penman, H.L.(1948) "Natural Evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A - Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 193, 120-145
    DOI: 10.1098/rspa.1948.0037

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History of weather measurements at Rothamsted:

Sir John Lawes, the founder of Rothamsted, realized that to understand crop growth, it was important to have records of the weather. Weather records also help us to understand the spread of crop diseases and insect behaviour. Rainfall and wind direction have been measured at Rothamsted every day since 1853, temperature since 1878 and sunshine since 1890, making this one of the longest sets of meteorological (weather) data available in the UK. As new equipment was invented to measure different meteorological variables, scientists added them to the Rothamsted weather station. Now over 25 different weather measurements are made every day.

How the data is measured:

Originally all the weather data were recorded by hand. Every morning at 9am a scientist would go out to the weather station, seven days a week, 365(6) days a year. Then in 2004 the Rothamsted weather station was fully automated, and the weather data is now measured by a range of sensors attached to an automatic data logger, linked directly to a computer.

Wind speed recorder

Recording precipitation at Rothamsted

Recording precipitation at Rothamsted - whatever the weather!

Wind direction recorder

Location of the weather station:

The weather data stored in our electronic database (e-RA) is recorded by the Rothamsted weather station in Harpenden, Herts. Its specific location is Latitude 51.82 North & Longitude 0.37 West. It is 128 metres above sea level. GB Grid Reference: TL121134. The site is fairly open and surrounded by sports fields and arable fields.

The e-RA database:

e-RA is an on-line database developed by Rothamsted scientists to provide safe and secure storage of the data from Rothamsted's long-term experiments and meteorological (weather) data. The data are freely available for use by scientists and universities. A subset of weather data have been made specifically available for schools.

Description of the Rothamsted weather data variables (met data)

Rainfall (RAIN): This is total rainfall over 24 hours, measured in mm. It includes rain, snow, mist and fog (together called precipitation). Originally the rain was collected in a copper funnel rain gauge, and the water measured manually in a graduated cylinder. Since 2004, rain is measured using an electronic tipping bucket rain gauge, calibrated to tip at 0.2mm. This means that since 2004, the minimum amount of rain that can be recorded is 0.2mm. These rain gauges are surrounded by a 1.5m radius turf wall, 30cm deep, to reduce wind eddies blowing the rain out of the gauges.

Sunshine (SUNHOURS): The total amount of time when the sun shines during each day. This is measured in hours, for example, 10.5 hours means 10 hours and 30 minutes. Hours of sunshine were originally measured by a Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder. The sun's rays were focused onto a card (treated to prevent it from catching fire) and the brown scorch mark on the card was then measured. The longer the scorch mark, the longer the hours of sun. The cards were of varying lengths applicable to the time of year (winter, equinox, and summer). Since 2004 sunshine has been calculated using the Campbell-Stokes equation from solar radiation measured using a thermopile pyranometer.

Temperature (TMAX and TMIN): The maximum and minimum air temperatures during the day, measured in °C. TMIN should be less than or equal to TMAX. The daily temperature is the mean of TMAX and TMIN ((TMAX + TMIN)/2). Temperature used to be measured with a maximum and minimum mercury thermometer. Since 2004, electronic temperature probes have been used, which are linked to the automatic data logger. The thermometers are housed in a unit called a Stephenson Screen to ensure shade from sun - ventilation is provided by slits in the sides.

Wind (WDIR): Wind direction, measured at 09.00 GMT each morning. This is shown as an angle, going clockwise from the North. 360 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West. The reading is in degrees. 0 degrees means that there is no wind. Wind direction was originally measured by a wind vane linked to a Munro roll chart recorder. From 2004 an electronic wind vane linked to the automatic data logger has been used. See video of wind direction recorder (above) to show this in action.

Wind run (WINDRUN): The total amount of wind in a day, measured as a distance (km). Wind run is measured by a cup anemometer, which is blown around by the wind, and the distance it turns around is recorded, in km. This is on a pole 2m high. Since 2004, an electronic cup anemometer has been used, which is linked to the automatic data logger. See video of wind speed recorder (above) to show this in action.

Data available



We hope that the data here will be used by anyone with an interest in local weather. There is also lots of background information on how the data is measured, long-term weather and a username to access the data and do some research yourself on real data.

A simple set of daily Rothamsted weather data, from 1918 to the current date, was set up for the 2018 Festival of Ideas and is freely available to download. It contains daily rainfall, maximum and minimum temperatures, sun and wind data.

To extract your data, go to the 'Extract Data' button at the top of this page.

  • Username: public
  • Password: Fest175

This will give you access to the dataset PUBLICDAYMET. To select a particular date or range of dates, click the right box next to 'day' then go to 'filter' and 'set' your dates.

Follow detailed intructions on this information sheet, 'How to extract birthday weather data from e-RA'.

Long-term weather

The long-term weather records at Rothamsted have been invaluable in aiding understanding of the effects of climate on crop growth, yields and diseases. They have revealed changes in temperature and rainfall over 170 years. The annual mean air temperature has fluctuated considerably and rose sharply between 1987-2007.

The figure shows the annual mean air temperature at Rothamsted every year from 1878 - 2013. Also shown is the mean over each five year period, 1878-1882, 1883-1887, etc. The red line shows the mean temperature, 1878-1987. The mean air temperature at Rothamsted is now 10 ºC, 1 ºC higher than the 1878-1987 average. The 10 warmest years on record occured in the last 17 years. Mean soil temperatures have also risen.

Click the chart above for a PDF version. Data are available to download as an Excel Spreedsheet: Annual mean Rothamsted temperature.

These data are freely available, no password is required, however users are requested to acknowledge Rothamsted Research as the data source.

Reference: Scott, T (2014) "The U.K. Environmental Change Network Rothamsted. Physical and Atmospheric Measurements", p8. Lawes Agriculture Trust Co. Ltd, Harpenden, UK. See ECN Rothamsted (2014).

Website Links

  • The Environmental Change Network (ECN) also has a section on data for schools.
  • Weather data from other UK locations is available from Met Office Education
  • Rothamsted Research is committed to its work in collaboration with local schools and helps local schools to develop links with our scientists. For information see the Rothamsted Schools Website.
  • The e-RA database was developed using special coding. There are many place where you can learn to code: how about freeCodeCamp?.

Key References


  • Addy, J.W.G. , Ellis, R.H. , Macdonald, A.J. , Semenov, M.A. and Mead, A.(2021) "The impact of weather and increased atmospheric CO2 from 1892 to 2016 on simulated yields of UK wheat", J. R. Soc. Interface, 18, 20210250
    DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2021.0250
  • Addy, J.W.G. , Ellis, R.H. , Macdonald, A.J. , Semenov, M.A. and Mead, A.(2021) "Changes in agricultural climate in South-Eastern England from 1892 to 2016 and differences in cereal and permanent grassland yield", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 308-309, 108560
    DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108560


  • Addy, J.W.G. , Ellis, R.H. , Macdonald, A.J. , Semenov, M.A. and Mead, A.(2020) "Investigating the effects of inter-annual weather variation (1968-2016) on the functional response of cereal grain yield to applied nitrogen, using data from the Rothamsted Long-Term Experiments", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 284, 107898
    DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107898


  • Mitchell, P.L. and Sheehy, J.E.(2018) "Potential yield of wheat in the United Kingdom: How to reach 20?t?ha?1", Field Crops Research, 224, 115-125
    DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2018.05.008


  • Reda, I. and Andreas, A.(2008) "Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. ", ,


  • Allen, R.G. , Pereira, L.S. , Raes, D. and Smith, M.(2006) "FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, Crop Evapotranspiration,", Rome, Italy , , 33-40


  • Campbell_Scientific(2005) "Calculating Dew Point from RH and Air Temperature. ", ,
  • Campbell_Scientific(2005) "Calculating Sunshine Hours from Pyranometer/Solarimeter Data. ", ,


  • Chmielewski, F.M. and Potts, J.M.(1995) "The relationship between crop yields from an experiment in southern England and long-term climate variations", Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 73, 43-66
    DOI: 10.1016/0168-1923(94)02174-I


  • Silvertown, J. , Dodd, M.E. , McConway, K. , Potts, J. and Crawley, M.(1994) "Rainfall, biomass variation, and community composition in the park grass experiment", Ecology, 75, 2430-2437
    DOI: 10.2307/1940896
  • Jenkinson, D.S. , Potts, J.M. , Perry, J.N. , Barnett, V. , Coleman, K. and Johnston, A.E.(1994) "Trends in Herbage Yields over the Last Century on the Rothamsted Long-Term Continuous Hay Experiment", Journal of Agricultural Science, 122, 365-374
    DOI: 10.1017/S0021859600067290


  • Energy_Efficiency_Office(1985) "Fuel Efficiency Booklet No 7, Degree days. Energy Efficiency Office, Dept of Energy,"


  • Meteorological_Office(1982) "Observer's Handbook, 4th Edition, Met.0.933"






  • Berry, G.(1964) "Evaluation of Penman's natural evaporation formula by electronic computer", Australian Journal of Applied Science, 15, 61-64
  • Meteorological_Office(1964) "Hygrometric Tables (Part II, Second Edition), Stevenson Screen Readings, Degree Celsius (reprinted 1971). HMSO, London (Met.O. 265b), U.D.C. 5551.501. 42:551.571"


  • Buck, S.F.(1961) "The use of rainfall, temperature, and actual transpiration in some crop-weather investigations", Journal of Agricultural Science, 57, 355-365


  • Penman, H.L.(1948) "Natural Evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A - Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 193, 120-145
    DOI: 10.1098/rspa.1948.0037
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For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: