eRA e-RAdoc: Digited Documents from the Rothamsted Long-term Experiments

Investigations into the Effects of Weather on Yields

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Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1968 - Part 2

Rothamsted Experimental Station Report for 1968 Part 21
Photograph of Sir John Bennet Lawes 1814-1900 and Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert 1817-19012
The Broadbalk Wheat Experiment3
1. Foreword7
2. Historical Introduction 12
3. The Broadbalk Yields26
Investigations into the Effects of Weather on Yields46
4. The Plant Nutrients in Crops Grown on Broadbalk50
5. The Soils of Broadbalk. Morphology and Classification of Broadbalk Soils63
The Minerology of Broadbalk Soils81
The Origin and Development of the Soils89
Plant Nutrients in Broadbalk Soils93
6. Fungus Diseases of Wheat on Broadbalk, 1843-1967 116
Photographs - 1. Broadbalk Wheat1136
2. Aerial Photograph, 1954 - 3. Take-all Patch on Non-experimental Area of Broadbalk, 19431137
4. Eyespot Lodging 1943 - 5. Straggling in Thin Crop, 19381138
6. Broadbalk Harvesting in 1890 - 7. Broadbalk. Aerial Photograph, 19251139
Take-all on Broadbalk Wheat, 1958-1967137
7. Insect Pests on Broadbalk141
8. Nematode Population Studies on Broadbalk157
9. Microbiology of Broadbalk Soils - Whole Section175
Microbiology of Broadbalk Soils175
Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation: Legume Nodule Bacteria179
Rhizosphere and Rhizoplane Fungi181
The Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi183
10. Weed Studies on Broadbalk 186
Table of Weather Records209
Map of Rothamsted Farm217

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