The experiment tests the effects of different amounts of lime (and thus soil pH), P and K on the yields of a sequence of arable crops, on a sandy loam soil at Woburn Experimental Farm, from 1962-1996. Mg, Mn and S were tested on split plots at different times. Target soil pH was 4.5, 5.5, 6.5 and 7.5. There was a parallel experiment at Rothamsted Experimental Farm. This experiment was discontinued in 1997. The dataset contains plot and sub-plot yields for all plots and years, 1962-1996, details of all treatments applied (lime, P, K, Mg, Mn and S) and agronomic details (crop variety, sowing and harvest dates, basal fertilizer).
This dataset was partially funded by the BBSRC Institute Strategic Programme Soil to Nutrition (BBS/E/C/000I0310).
Period 1 (1962-1980): four lime levels with and without fertilizer P and K. Magnesium was tested on split plots 1974-1978. Period 2 (1981-1996): four lime levels with four P levels. Manganese was tested on split plots 1987-1990; Sulphur was tested on split plots 1991-1996. 2 replicates.
Rothamsted Research
dataset is
available under a Creative
Attribution Licence (4.0).
YOU MUST CITE AS: Margaret Glendining, Jonathan Holland, Steve McGrath, Keith Goulding (2020). Dataset: Woburn long-term liming experiment crop yields 1962-1996 Electronic Rothamsted Archive, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
Please review our How to Credit Datasets guidance for more information.
Rothamsted relies on the integrity of users to ensure that datasets are used appropriately and Rothamsted Research receives suitable acknowledgment as being the originators of these data. Please review the Conditions of Use before downloading.
Note the included Excel file: 01-WobLTliming-yield.xlsx contains the same data as the CSV files below. The Excel file contains each of the CSV files as an Excel worksheet and is provided for users who prefer Excel over CSV.
File | Dataset Name | Description |
README.html | Readme | File describing and explaining all details of the dataset (html) |
README.txt | Readme | File describing and explaining all details of the dataset (txt) |
crop_data.csv | Crop yield data | The main data table containing crop yield data for all plots and all treatments, 1962-1996 |
liming_factor_data.csv | Liming treatment factor level descriptions | Describes the different liming treatment factor levels used |
p_factor_data.csv | P treatment factor level descriptions | Describes the different P treatment factor levels used |
k_factor_data.csv | K treatment factor level descriptions | Describes the different K treatment factor levels used |
mg_factor_data.csv | Mg treatment factor level descriptions | Describes the different Mg treatment factor levels used |
mn_factor_data.csv | Mn treatment factor level descriptions | Describes the different Mn treatment factor levels used |
s_factor_data.csv | S treatment factor level descriptions | Describes the different S treatment factor levels used |
crop_types_data.csv | Crop types | List of crops grown with Latin names and AGROVOC concepts. |
notes_data.csv | Notes | Additional explanatory notes for records in the crop_data table |
Information is taken from original raw data sheets and analysis files, held in the archives at Rothamsted Research, and the Annual Rothamsted Yield Books. Verification includes checking of original plot yield data with published mean data from the Rothamsted Yield Books.
This project received specific funding from the following sources
For further information and assistance, please contact the e-RA curators, Sarah Perryman and Margaret Glendining using the e-RA email address: